Monday 31 July 2017


When you're bored and want to try something you haven't done before. Yes, the result was nice. Yummy
- 2 cups of flour 
- A tea spoon of yeast 
- A tea spoon of cinnamon 
- 2 eggs 
- A cup of honey
- A cup of powder milk 
- Vanilla flavour 
- Pour the flour, milk, cinnamon into a bowl and mix together 
- Beat the eggs and pour into the flour mixture, then mix together 
- Mix yeast with lukewarm water, allow to form together, then pour into the flour mixture. Mix together  
- Mix honey to the flour mixture, add the Vanilla flavour. Mix the dough together. 
- Cover the bowl with a napkin, and allow the dough to rise for 45mins. 
- Then roll the dough on a baking board/clean  flat surface, and shape it. I used a cup and plastic bottle cover to get the donut shape. 
- Cover and leave to rise again for 20minutes, then fry. Honey sweetened donuts is ready. 

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