It is an open secret that majority of ailments which the Human race suffers from is made manifest by STRESS.
Generally speaking stress is the process by which we perceive and respond to certain events, called STRESSORS, that we appraise as threatening or challenging. Stressor therefore are anything that challenge our usual way of doing thing e.g examinations, death of a loved one, Economic recession, and rejection of proposal by a sister all these are external examples,Internal ones would be worry, uncertainty, unrealistic expectations.....
Manageable Stress can lead to growth and enhanced competence. Uncontrollable, prolonged, or overwhelming stress is destructive.
- Decreased concentration,
- Decreased comprehension,
- Memory
✅withdrawal, ✅violence
✅ depression,
✅ fatigue
✅Decreased immune response
Briefly, Stages of stress response include.
✅Alarm—when one feels threatened
✅Resistance—mobilization of resources to solve the problem
✅Continued stress causes adaptation
✅Exhaustion occurs when
Adaptation fails and level of function decreases
N:B Manageable Stress can lead to growth and enhanced competence while
Uncontrollable, prolonged, or overwhelming stress is destructive.
In responding to stress We have coping strategies which could be
- Problem solving
- Emotion reducing
Problem solving:
Direct response aimed at modifying, or eliminating a source of stress
For instance, after getting a poor grade, a student decides to study harder or get a tutor.
Problem-solving strategies include:
- Seeking help from another person
- Obtaining information or advice that would help to solve the problem
Confrontation- defending ones right and persuading other people to change their behaviour.
Emotion-reducing strategies, which alleviate the emotional response to the response.
For example, viewing loss of a job as a challenge or opportunity, not a tragedy.
Emotion- reducing strategies include;
Ventilation of emotion- talking to another person and expressing emotion. Really helpful when talking to the right set of people
Evaluation of the problem- to assess what can be changed and try to change it and what cannot be changed, to accept it.
Positive reappraisal of the problem- recognising that it has led to some good, for example, the loss of a job is an opportunity to find a more satisfying occupation.
Seeking social support;
Tangible and/or emotional support provided in time of need by family members, friends, peer groups, Religious Organizations.....
The feeling of being loved, valued, and cared for by those toward whom we feel a similar obligation
Emotion reducing strategies encourages health-promoting behaviors and reduces impact of stress
Others include;
Eating right; this could go along way to reduce stress;
Fast foods and soft drinks can increase stress levels
Fresh fruit, vegetables, smoothies can help relieve stress
Sleep helps to reduce fatigue,
Improve concentration...... we can't cheat our bodies. An adult should try to get 6-7 hrs of sleep daily.
Breathing exercises
Breathe in for 5 seconds, hold ur breath for 3 secs
Slowly breath out through ur nose for a count of 7secs.
Exercise regularly; Exercises has proven to be effective in managing stress. Helps improve your immunity, best on an empty stomach. Add it to your morning routine.
You could start small. For the married ones you can include your spouses to make it more fun.....
Take advantage of your free time. Develop a hobby.... do things u enjoy.
Manage your time well
Enjoy the company of family and friends and most importantly BE CONTENTED!!!!.
Maladaptive responses
These strategies reduce the emotional response to stressful circumstances in the short term, but lead to greater difficulties in the long term.
Maladaptive coping strategies include the following:
- Use of alcohol or unprescribed drugs to reduce the emotional response or to reduce awareness of stressful circumstances. Deliberate self harm- either by drug overdose or self-injury.
- Some people gain relief from tension by cutting the skin with a sharp instrument to induce pain and draw blood.
- Unrestrained display of feelings- can reduce tension, and in some societies such is sanctioned in particular circumstances, for example, grieving.
- Aggressive behaviour- aggression provides immediate release of feelings of anger.
Stress is part of everyday life
It can promote growth and competency
If unrelenting or overwhelming it can cause adverse effects
Adaptive coping enhances resilience
Maladaptive coping causes additional problems
Please see your psychiatrist or counselor in the event that you feel overwhelmed.
Brought to you by Thoughts&Reflexes
CREDIT : Dr. Taslimah Abdurrahman
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